
SYN-CA-AZ-204 - AZ-204 With Serverless architecture | Certification Training

Dates to be announced soon

Course is designed for Cloud Developer

Certification & Add-on
Practice Area
Dev Tool & Technology .NET

Course Overview

This hands-on workshop will walk you through various tasks of managing Azure infrastructure with the focus on serverless compute and managed Azure services. All the resources are provisioned with  infrastructure-as-code fashion.You will be building an end-to-end application  that is based on serverless reference architectures defined by Microsoft.


This workshop cover the end to end process building and managing serverless APIs in Microsoft Azure - with Azure Functions, Azure API Management, and Azure Application Insights.


AZ-204 Certification course

Course Outline

  • Deploy Serverless Applications with Azure Functions
  • Deploy a Data Processing Pipeline
  • Deploy a Status Function App
  • Deploy a Static Website
  • Deploy Azure API Management
  • Deploy the Website Behind Azure CDN
  • Enable User Authentication